Welcome to RB Groups

We are small group of fish farmers from Kolkata.

We use latest technology in fish farming to get a good return for investment. We farm Rohu, Katla, Tilapia, Prawns and others.

Our objectives
  • To generate employment opportunities in rural area particularly to weaker sections.
  • To get a good return for investment.
  • Generating technological experiences,in agreement with the efficient use of the available resources, and compatible with cultural traditions and ecological preservation.

We sell


The rohu, rui, or roho labeo (Labeo rohita) is a species of fish of the carp family, found in rivers in South Asia.


Catla is an economically important South Asian freshwater fish in the carp family Cyprinidae.


Tilapia are mainly freshwater fish inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, and less commonly found living in brackish water.


Prawn or Chingri fish is very tasty fish and well known fish all over the world, and is a great source of protein.